Time has come to harvest what was planted. In the past three months the first group of students lay the foundation for us, asked us to continue and we our duty but we also added more. From the previous group of community only 5 of the projects we continued with them and they are still currently running.
What are we harvesting
Unfortunately the first group could see the end product of their work because they reach the limitation (time); their time for being in the community was up and we have to carry over from them. The jungle Gym is up, Play Area has been painted, Stroke group is running with more new members and the high school projects are also running. The first group they were able to organise for the projects but it took long time for their projects to come together, we had to continue from them, we have finished what they asked us to do for them. What about harvesting from our own projects?
We started our own projects, which include; LSEN, developmental delays, litter club, and wellness group, from these sessions we managed to run few sessions, since we have been there they has been protest which prevented us from doing dome of the projects based on school children because they were not available in the schools and also with teachers projects which were in the schools were not running well. We manged to do interventions on the street for children we come across within the community. The most important gate keeper for the community and who is also responsible for allocation of resources has been found and we have been able to meet with him, but he did not keep his promises from our last meeting.
Sometime we find things which are useful in the end of time, yesterday i found two useful documents; one is about disability awareness, it shows how to feel the experiences of disabled people. the second one is about the principles of community based rehabilitation how the community should be viewed and helped.