Saturday, 9 February 2013

Community Based Rehabilitation (CBR)

I understand CBR as looking for people who cannot help themselves due to many reasons. they can be disabled or unable to help to help themselves. And you get close with the community where you understand more about their context. 

Process of the sessions
During orientation week many things happened, these are the following things which i enjoyed.
1.Visit to the area where i will go during practicals for CBR.
2. Presentations by parents living with disabled children.
3. attending together with the other disciplines which we will go with to the community.

These are the things i did not enjoy:
1. Lectures duration were to long, if it was stretched for the entire week, with half a day.

Action plan
Im looking forward on  going to Marainnridge, I have stayed in the community for two years and i have used some of the facilities within the area. i will be the eyes and ears of the group which will be going to the venue during the second blog, since I'm also going there.

1. During the orientation week, people which we will be work with should come to the lecture too, in order for them to know what are being lectured on and how the other groups expectations differ.
2. The movie, we should watched to different movies and discussed more by comparing the two. The second movie it can Themba: a boy called hope, which is also about HIV/AIDS and community.

Please see the Guidelines Principles for CBR by (WHO)

S'thembiso Charles Tembe

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